
Etablissement Oum El Koura

Qui sommes nous?
July 6, 2020 LATEST NEWS

Cours de français

On travaille aujourd’hui sur beaucoup de compétences à savoir: Compréhension orale Compréhension écrite Structure de la langue Esprit critique


Les étudiants s'expriment

When black ominous clouds covered the sky threatening rain,a bolt of lightning tore across it and a curtain of rain …

Once I read somewhere success is the outcome of what you do, not of who you are or how you …

Jackson Brown once said: “Love your work, then you will find pleasure in mastering it.” Finding your passion is the …

Seven years ago, a high school student from a poor family was sat next to Richard on a plane; she …

Cyndi lauper was right as she said :” I believe a strong society is an inclusive society , if we …


Etablissement Oum El Koura de Langues et de leadership

Oum El Koura Establishment (OKE) of learning languages started in 2000. Since then, it has grown at faster pace as the number of the enrolled students has recently reached 4000. We owe this success to our staff and team of advisors who deploy all the required efforts to offer courses of an incontestable high quality for all levels and purposes.
  • Qui sommes nous?

    Etablissement Oum El Koura de Langues...

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  • Emplacement

    OKE se situe au centre ville appelée Berkane ..

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